日本財団 図書館


D. Employment

1. Employment of Persons with Mental Retardation In Private Companies


(Souroe : Ministry of Labor "The Survey on the Actual Employment Situation of Physically Disabled Persons, etc.1993")

2. Quota System, Levy, and Grant System

2-1. Each organization is required to employ a quota of persons with disabilities: 1.6% of employees for private enterprises, 1.9% for non-profit organizations, 1.9% for non-clerical businesses, and 2.0% for clerical businesses.
2-2. Private enterprises must pay a levy for each person below the required quota of persons with disabilities that they should have employed. At present, the levy amounts to\50,000 perperson per month. Those enterprises that offer jobs to persons with disabilities in excess of their quota are given encouragement grants of \17,000 or \25,000 per person employed above the required quota, depending on the size of the enterprise.

3. Other Rehabilitation Systems for Persons with Mental Retardation

3-1. Programs supporting job placement
A. Vocational guidance and selective placement
Public Employment Security Offices provide vocational guidance and placement services for persons with disabilities, including aptitude testing and casework services as necessary.
B. The system of work adjustment training
Under the system of work adjustment training, each employer commissioned by the prefectural governor provides employees who are mentally disabled with in-service training on




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